Parent Power | Greene Government Parent Power | Greene Government

Parent Power

You have it! Talk early and talk often about issues that impact your children’s lives. The following links may help you have those all important discussions with your child. If you don’t who will?

Helpful Links

Where to Find Information in General

Where to Find Information on Contraception

Teen Related Web Sites

The parent section of the website of “Advocates for Youth an organization established in 1980 as the Center for Population Options, Advocates for Youth champions efforts to help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates for Youth believes it can best serve the field by boldly advocating for a more positive and realistic approach to adolescent sexual health.”

The National Campaign: For Parents
According to the parent section on the website of “The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy seeks to improve the lives and future prospects of children and families and, in particular, to help ensure that children are born into stable, two-parent families who are committed to and ready for the demanding task of raising the next generation. Our specific strategy is to prevent teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy among single, young adults. We support a combination of responsible values and behavior by both men and women and responsible policies in both the public and private sectors. If we are successful, child and family well being will improve. There will be less poverty, more opportunities for young men and women to complete their education or achieve other life goals, fewer abortions, and a stronger nation.”

New York State Department of Health
For information on the following topics click on the link above: Family Planning & Reproductive Health, Health for Pregnant Women & Babies, Infants & Children, Adolescents & Youth, Women, Men, Elderly/Seniors

Helpful Hotlines

Access our helpful hotlines list here >

Infertility Consultation