NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the County Legislature of Greene County, State of New York, in the Legislative Meeting Room, County Office Building, 411 Main Street, Catskill, New York on the 19th day of February, 2020 at 6:25 p.m. on said day, on the Agricultural District encompassing 38,333.49 acres within the Greene County Towns of Athens, Ashland, Cairo, Catskill, Coxsackie, Durham, Greenville, Halcott, Hunter, Jewett, Prattsville, Lexington, New Baltimore, and Windham, and the Villages of Athens, Catskill, Coxsackie, Hunter, and Tannersville (entire County of Greene), known as Agricultural District No. 124, to consider proposed district modifications and recommendations of the Greene County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board.
Proposed modifications and recommendations of the Greene County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board are as follows:
The following parcels are proposed to be added to the district:
22.00-3-27, 22.00-3-58, 145.00-2-10.1, 10.00-2-27, 10.00-2-32, 103.00-1-2, 103.00-1-7, 103.00-1-8, 25.00-5-22, 34.00-3-11.1, 69.00-2-11.112, 69.00-2-11.112, 41.00-1-9, 41.00-6-4, 27.00-2-1.21, 40.00-1-4.11, 40.00-9-2, 40.00-1-4.12, and 69.00-2-18.211
The following parcels have been merged, modified or adjusted:
100.00-5-43 (Formerly Portion of 100.00-5-14), 60.00-2-63 (Merged 60.00-2-10 & 7.112), 138.06-3-15 (Formerly 138.06-3-2), 21.00-3-15 (Portion of 21.00-3-9.11), 22.00-1-50 (Portion of 21.00-3-9.11), 21.00-5-19 (Portion of 21.00-4-64 & 21.00-5-12), 54.00-2-79 (Formerly Portion of 54.00-2-19), 94.02-1-24 (Merged 94.00-2-36.2 & 94.02-1-20), 74.04-1-12 (Formerly Portion of 74.00-4-17.1), 54.00-2-81 (Split of 54.00-2-80.2 added to 54.00-2-20), 67.00-2-7.11 (67.00-5-1.1 is in Ag District, 67.00-2-7.11 is not)
The following parcels (identified by tax parcel number) are proposed to be removed from the district:
37.00-3-32.2, 77.00-3-12, 48.00-4-47, 91.00-2-4.1, and 74.00-4-32.
Other parcels currently in the district will remain in the district.
A description and map of the District, proposed modifications and recommendations of the Greene County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board may be examined in the Office of the Clerk of the Greene County Legislature during regular business hours.
All parties in interest and citizens will be heard by the County Legislature at the public hearing.