The Greene County Planning Board is soliciting nominations for this year’s Ellen Ruttus Planning Achievement Awards, which will honor worthwhile planning, community and economic development activities that have taken place in Greene County over the past three years. Awards will be given for outstanding achievement in one or more of the following categories:
- Economic Development
- Community Design or Improvement
- Planning for Municipal Services or Utilities
- Environmental Preservation, Recreation and Open Space
- Zoning – Innovative Techniques
- Community or Main Street Revitalization
- Historic Preservation
- Municipal Services
- Distinguished Service
In 2018, the County Planning Board presented awards to Bonnie Blader and the Lexington Broadband Initiative for their successful efforts to expand broadband in the Town of Lexington; to the Cairo Development Foundation for their work to organize and fund efforts to improve the economic and visual climate in the Town of Cairo; and to Donald and Patricia Gibson for their efforts to fund and construct three soccer fields at the corner of Mountain Avenue and Volunteer Drive in the Town of Cairo for the Rip Van Winkle Soccer Club.
Read the full story on the 2018 recipients
Ellen Rettus was a long-time County Planning Board member who served for several years as Chairwoman of the Greene County Planning Board and Chairperson of the Town of Durham Planning Board. As Chairperson of these boards, Ellen worked to promote sound and thoughtful planning throughout Greene County.
Award guidelines can be found at https://www.greenegovernment.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Ellen-Rettus-Planning-Achievment-Awards-Nomination-Guidelines.pdf or by contacting Rich Schiafo, Principal Planner at (518) 719-3290, or rschiafo@discovergreene.com
Nominations will be accepted until October 31, 2019 by sending to:
Rich Schiafo, Principal Planner
Greene County Economic Development, Tourism and Planning
411 Main Street
Catskill, NY 12414
E-Mail: rschiafo@dsicovergreene.com
Please call the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Planning at (518) 719-3290 for more information.