Lead Poisoning Prevention | Greene Government Lead Poisoning Prevention | Greene Government

Lead Poisoning Prevention

We are the first county in our state to offer a new pilot program aimed at significantly reducing, if not eliminating, lead poisoning in infants and children!

By law in New York State, blood lead testing is mandatory for children aged 1 and 2 years old.  Blood lead testing can only detect lead AFTER exposure has occurred.  Our goal at Greene County Public Health is to provide families with voluntary education and materials aimed at preventing lead exposure.

If your house was built before 1978, there may be lead paint in your home.  Lead can be found in paint surrounding windows and sills, doors, staircases, baseboards, painted children’s furniture and toys, and in soil surrounding older homes.

Public Health is providing free informational packets and lead testing swabs.  These kits will help families explore potential sources of lead within the home.  These swabs can also detect other metals; therefore, it is important to note that while an object may appear to be lead containing, additional testing may be necessary.

This program is completely voluntary, and no record of your participation is shared.

If you are interested in learning about lead, or receiving a free lead test kit, please feel free to contact us at Public Health.  You can contact by calling (518)719-3600 or emailing publichealth@greenecountyny.gov.  We can provide the kits via mail, in person delivery, or in office pick-up.

Lead Test Swab Use:

  • Wet tip of swab with water and shake off the excess
  • After the swab tip turns a mustard yellow color, use promptly
  • Rub the tip of the swab on the suspected surface for 30 seconds
  • A red/violet/pink result indicates the presence of lead

View video directions.

Follow up with children’s clinician for blood lead testing if lead is found in/around the home!

Cleaning With Lead in The Home

Clean areas with water (mop/sponge) vs dry (broom/duster) to decrease lead dust in the air.

Follow up with contractor who specializes in lead removal.
If not possible,

  • Wet sand item while protected with gloves, mask, and eye protection
  • Continue to check for presence of lead with swabs while sanding
  • Once the area is non-reactive to lead swab, seal the item with paint

Symptoms in children include:

  • Delay in development
  • Learning difficulties
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Hearing Loss
  • Seizures
For questions regarding lead, please call Public Health at (518)719-3611 to speak with a nurse, or follow this link to the NYSDOH Website.
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