How Do I? - Public Health | Greene Government How Do I? - Public Health | Greene Government

How Do I? – Public Health


Call Greene County Public Health at 518-719-3600 to schedule an appointment.


Here are the dates for the 2024 Rabies Clinics held at Angelo Canna Town Park in Cairo, NY on Wednesday evenings from 5-7pm.

  • May 15
  • June 19
  • August 14
  • September 18

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Please call 518-719-3600 to register your dogs/cats/ferrets or click here.

This is a DRIVE-UP ONLY clinic; please be prepared with proper leashes, carriers, and muzzles (if necessary) for your animals to keep them and other safe.

You must present proof of pet’s previous vaccination (certificate, not tag) to receive a 3-year certificate;
if no record is present, pet will be given 1-year certificate.

Public Health Law requires all cats, dogs, and ferrets to be vaccinated for rabies starting at 12 weeks old.
If you are feeding a stray, please bring them to be vaccinated.


New York State of Health – The Official Health Plan Marketplace

Click here to go directly to the website for the New York State of Health to find out if you qualify for Child Health Plus A and B, Family Health Plus or Medicaid.

Greene County RX Drug Program 

If you are uninsured or underinsured and paying cash for your prescription drugs, the Greene County Prescription Drug Discount Card, offered through ProAct, can provide immediate financial relief at the pharmacy counter.

Program Highlights:

  • Any resident, regardless of age or income, can participate.
  • Discount card is accepted at all Greene County pharmacies and at over 55,000 pharmacies nationwide.
  • Discount card covers ALL prescription medications, brand or generic.  Prescriptions for pets would also be covered.
  • Average savings:
    • 10-20% on Brand drugs
    • 20-70% on Generic drugs

For more information or to obtain a card, visit:


The Greene NY Medical Reserve Corps is in the process of recruiting volunteers to assist during times of emergencies. We are seeking both medical and non-medical volunteers who may be able to assist with various operations, planning, and logistics functions associated with responding to a Public Health Emergency (PHE).

Volunteers will be given the opportunity to receive necessary training to ensure both personal and family readiness while increasing overall readiness to assist with emergency response within the community.

Click here to volunteer!


Project Needle Smart serves as a community safe sharps collection program in support of alternative needle/syringe disposal throughout the Capital Region.

There are 9 drop-off kiosk locations around Greene County where you can safely dispose of your used or unwanted needles. You can also pick up a FREE sharps container!

All kiosks are outside and have 24/7 access unless otherwise noted.

Cairo (2 locations):

CVS Pharmacy – Routes 23 and 32

Hannaford Supermarket & Pharmacy – 223 Main Street

Catskill (2 locations:

Greene County Office Building – Water Street Side (top of stairs leading to creek)

Greene Medical Arts Pharmacy (new location) – 159 Jefferson Heights #D102

(Inside:  Mon-Fri 8am-5pm; Sat 9am-2pm; Sun closed)


EmUrgent Care – 11835 Route 9W

East Durham:

Durham Town Hall – 7309 Route 81


Kelly’s Pharmacy – 4852 Route 81

(Inside; Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat-Sun 9am-3pm)


Hunter Ambulance – 5740 Route 23A


Windham Pharmacy – 68 Route 296


NYSDOH Complaint Hotlines for Long Term Care:

Adult Home Complaint Hotline:  866-893-6772

Home Care/Hospice Hotline:  800-628-5972

Nursing Home Abuse Hotline:  888-201-4563


Restaurant, Food Vendor, Hotel, and Motel Complaints:

NYSDOH Oneonta District Office 607-432-3911


Retail Food & Drink (Grocery Store/Convenience Store) Complaints:

NYS Dept of Agriculture & Markets, Division of Food Safety and Inspection
